Street Witnessing
Downtown Springfield, MO
Park Central Square
October 17, 2014
This night my wife, Leann, and I went to Park Central Square in Springfield, Missouri to be a witness for Christ and share the gospel. Some Christian brothers and sisters were also downtown sharing the gospel. We added our numbers to theirs for the night. We started out by singing hymns at Park Central Square.
I went downtown street witnessing a couple weeks before this as well, but I haven't been out witnessing lately. God has been speaking to my heart and showing me that I need to get back out and do this.
It is easy for any of us, talking about Christians here, to get off track - sidelined - if you want to call it that, from doing what God's primary will is in our lives. It can be family issues, a job, a schedule, a storm in our lives, or it can just be that we've gotten busy doing other "good deeds", even for the Lord. But, you will know if you are not in God's will for your life.
It is something that God has given you a passion for, that is persistent, that keeps coming back to you - that is what God is calling you to do. Don't get side-tracked. I've recently heard an evangelist say that if you allow yourself to get sidelined from God has called you to do, you will:
1) Be filled with regret
2) Lose your reward in heaven
3) Fail the Lord Jesus Christ
Don't be discouraged. Repent. Ask God to forgive you and start where you left off.
Brad St. Clair Street Preaching
Dennis Vance Street Preaching
Mark Kiser Street Preaching
Aaron Brummitt Street Preaching
Aaron Brummitt Praying With a Man at Park Central Square
The night ended with more hymns being sung. The gospel was preached to the lost. Those already saved heard the Word of God and were encouraged. Seeds were sown. This is what a fruitful night of street witnessing is all about.
I pray God speaks to your heart and gets you to do what He has called you to do. Don't put it off.
To see all pictures of this event, Click Here.
In Christ,
Brad St. Clair