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Street Witnessing And Training Taking Evangelism Across Missouri
I was not out witnessing tonight. J.J. Lindsay from our team was out, as well as Pastor Ron Burks came out from Bethesda Christian Fellowship church with 8 others from his church.
Report from Pastor Ron Burks: |
We had nine people at the square Friday night shortly after 7p.m. It was kind of slow but we managed to get out about 400 tracts. I spoke to Michael the heckler (atheist) from last week. I got him to take an IQ test (he failed but he put the tract in his pocket). We talked for about 20 minutes or so then I stepped up on the water fountain and made a public announcement.
I said we were there to hand out gospel tracts and tell them about Jesus. I told them that Jesus did not come to condemn the world and neither do we. Then I got down and we started passing out tracts.
Just before leaving at 9:00pm, a young man named David asked me some questions about God's justice. I had several people already going to the car so I kept it short. I gave him the tract "It's the Law" and told him that would answer his question. He said it was the only tract he had accepted all night though many tried to give him one. Pray for David that God would open his eyes to God's justice and mercy.
I thank God for their obedience in obeying the commandment to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature".