Repent and Turn Ministries

Learn how to share your faith...Simply...Effectively...Biblically                                                  


Check out our Periscope videos below.  Periscope is a live video streaming app for IOS and Android devices.  Not only is it live streaming, the viewers can comment to the broadcaster, so that it makes it an interactive forum. 

You can follow our channel and watch us live - or for 24 hours on the replay - at .  We encourage, motivate and give evangelism tips to Christians to help you to be a witness for Christ and share the gospel.  After the video is played on Periscope, we will upload them below, the most recent at the top.


Would You Share the Gospel More Often if You Were Given $1,000 Each Time?

Follow up to, "Reasons a Christian Should Leave a Tip at a Restaurant ".

Reasons a Christian Should Leave a Tip at a Restaurant

How To Start a Witnessing Conversation

The Importance of Evangelism - Sharing the Gospel