The very best way to share your faith and witness to others is by doing what the bible says. So, biblical evangelism is "law to the proud and grace to the humble". This has been compiled into an easy to learn way by Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort, called "Way of the Master" - which is witnessing the way Jesus did it.
The ministry that partners with the Ray and Kirk in the Way of the Master is called "The Great News Network" (GNN). This ministry takes the teaching of the Way of the Master and actively uses it out in the streets witnessing to others, as well as teaching other Christians about it. Christians can become members in this ministry if they believe in this teaching and actively use it. There are GNN Seed Sowers all over the world. Read more about GNN Seed Sowers later in this newsletter.
The Great News Network also has Local Leaders. I went to an Evangelism Bootcamp on November 10th -13th of 2005 with GNN in Austin, Texas. It was awesome. I have now become a GNN Local Leader. Here is what their website says about Local Leaders.
GNN Local Leaders are battle proven people who actively share the Gospel and have a great understanding of how to do it biblically, the way Jesus did. In other words they are people who are committed to the Great Commission, and know it’s vitally important to actively share the Gospel with friends, family, co-workers and even strangers. They are men and woman who are dedicated to serving Christ by being a servant who humbly sows the seed of the gospel everywhere they go (see Mark 1:17). Additionally, they are committed to serving Christ by creating disciples who also humbly serve the Lord by sowing seeds.
GNN Local Leaders regularly take other Christians out with them and spend time equipping and encouraging them in an effort to help these new disciples learn how to effectively and biblically share the Gospel. The leaders and their teams regularly go to various shows, fairs, festivals, parks and many other public events to witness to anyone and everyone.
GNN Local Leaders have proven through their individual actions and demeanor that they are worthy of being appointed to the position of leadership within this “Net,” doing the “Work” of God (see Matthew 13:45-50). When accepted as a member of the network at GNN, all new members are given the title of “Seed Sower.” In order for someone to move up in their “Seed Sower” status within the network, they must first accomplish various things. This ensures that people appointed to leadership within GNN’s network are battle-proven warriors who have illustrated the ability to lead, teach, preach and train others to effectively and biblically seek and save the lost.
1. First and foremost you need to be a member of the network for 3 months. If you are not a member, you can submit an application to join.
2. Must have graduated from a GNN Evangelism Bootcamp.
3. Must be willing to abide by the Local Leader SOP as established by GNN (Will be e-mailed).
4. Willing to respond to e-mails from potential seed sowers in the local leaders area.
5. Willing to follow all GNN policies and procedures (located on the GNN message board).
6. Willing to take teams out at least one night/day per week.
7. Willing to work with new seed sowers.
8. Must complete local a leader application.
9. Must sign a GNN local leader agreement.
10. Post a weekly schedule of the locations your team is witnessing at on the message board.
11. Must be 18 years or older.
What is a GNN Seed Sower
Philemon 1:3-7 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints. I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints.
What is a GNN Seed-Sower? Seed Sowers are highly motivated men and women who spend their time, energy and effort on seeking and saving the lost. They’re the type of Christian who is tired of living a “luke warm” life so they have made the commitment to face their fears and start actively sharing their faith. They do their best to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, (knowing only then) all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). They seek first the heart of God, and know that there is nothing more important then telling people that God so loved us He sacrificed His Son. He set us free from our sin, from judgment and Hell and in exchange gave us the gift of eternal life.
Singing worship songs, praying, going to church, reading the Bible, feeding the poor, retreats, seminars, etc., are all great ways to maintain a good relationship with Jesus and to grow in your walk with Him. However, to have a full understanding of all good things we have in Christ we must actively share our faith (see Philemon 1:6). As Christ Himself commanded us, we must make it our priority to go out into all the world and make disciples of every creature in every nation (see Mark 16:15-16).
Seed Sowers are humble and obedient servants of Jesus and are one of the many strands in the “Net” doing God's “Work.” They are like the stars that will shine in the Heavens for ever and ever (see Daniel 12:3). They are Christians who are committed to doing everything they can to become all things to all men, so that by all means possible some may be saved (see 1 Corinthians 9:22). Whether it’s passing out ice breakers (gospel tracts) sharing the gospel One-2-One or Open Air Preaching you could say, “They are nobody telling everybody about somebody that can save anybody!"
When sharing the gospel, GNN seed sowers use the biblical principals shared by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron on The Way of the Master TV show. We know that “The Law is the Schoolmaster to bring us to Christ” (Galatians 3:24) and that “The Law is perfect in converting the soul, the statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple” (Psalms 19:7). We believe in using both sides of the sword of the Spirit (one side is the Law, the other side is grace) when we preach the gospel, and do what Jesus did (see Luke 18:18-27).
We know that by using God’s Ten Laws (which are already written on the hearts of all men and women) as a mirror, people can examine themselves in truth and see their need for God’s forgiveness. We want to be sure people know what “sin” is (see 1 John 3-4) so they can have a true conversion, be grafted in to the vine and bring forth fruit for the Kingdom of Christ (see John 15:1-16). For how can someone repent if they don’t know what sin is? We know if we’re going to be true and faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ we must do what Jesus did and warn people about sin, Judgment Day and Hell.
We use theTen Commandments to plow the hard hearts of self righteous and proud people, so that when we plant the seed of the Gospel it may find “Good Soil” in their heart and produce a crop of 30, 60 even 100 times more (see Matthew 13:1-23). We believe that biblical evangelism is always without exception, “Law to the Proud and Grace to the Humble.” We know, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6) and that’s why we make sure that people know that the first step towards Heaven is to humbly confess their sins and accept the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross of Calvary, so that they may be soundly saved.
We also know that God’s not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (see 2 Peter 3:9) and by telling the whole story and not just the “good half about Heaven,” we know that people will be properly informed as to the choice they’re making and the consequences of their actions. We hope and pray people will come to God broken in their hearts over their sins. May they be in love with how He illustrated His love toward us when He sent His Son to set us free from our sin, and defeated death forever (see Romans 5:8). We know that “By the fear of the Lord men will depart from sin” (Proverbs 16:6), and that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalms 111:10).
Therefore knowing what it is to fear the Lord we persuade men (see 2 Corinthians 5:11). We make sure we don’t leave out the consequences (spending eternity in Hell) of people’s decision not to surrender their hearts to Jesus and humbly confess their sins to God. We make sure people know that riches profit not on the day of wrath but that righteousness delivers from death (see Proverbs 11:4) and without the righteousness of Christ their eternal destiny will be in the “Lake of Burning Fire” where “the fire is never quenched and the worm never dies”. (Mark 9:44-48).
What does it take to be a GNN Seed Sower?
The first step is to complete and submit the GNN "Seed Sower Application and we will review it, pray over it, and inform you regarding your new
membership. Please be advised that it could take up to 30 days for you
to receive a response regarding your application. During this period, we
strongly encourage you to contact a Local Leader in your area and get
plugged into a local group of Seed Sowers.
GNN Local Leaders are battle proven warriors who have a great understanding of all the
biblical principals taught on The Way of the Master TV Show and in the School of Biblical Evangelism.
Your involvement with one of the various seed sower cells in you area
is paramount to your confirmation, and will be one of the main
considerations of your acceptance or decline of membership into The
Great News Network.
Once you’re accepted as a GNN Seed Sower you
will be surrounded by other committed Christians, who will do their best
to disciple and encourage you as you strive each day to be a faithful
witness for Jesus Christ. You will have access to an awesome array of resources available only to GNN Seed Sowers. If you're not currently putting into
practice the biblical principals taught on WOTM's website or their TV
show, we strongly encourage you to get hold of the teaching at www.wayofthemaster.com and start using all the creative Christian resources found at www.livingwaters.com.
About GNN:
GNN is an organization of committed Christians who
know there’s nothing better a Christian could be doing than sowing the
seed of the gospel daily. He desires that that by all means possible
some may be saved. GNN is a “Net” doing the “Work” that Jesus commanded
all Christians to do (see Mark 16:15). It’s also the organization that founded and hosts the Evangelism Boot Camp, in association with The Way of the Master ministries. We were founded on two basic principals. First, “Seek first
the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be
added to you” (Matthew 6:33). Second, “Do What Jesus Did.” It’s to that end that we have developed a
place where like-minded Christians can join together to instruct,
encourage and equip each other on an ongoing basis. GNN is the place
where "Seed Sowers" can surround themselves with others who are dedicated to seeking and saving the lost.
I have
had contacts through GNN's website from my local leader webpage. It is a
great ministry, and has allowed me to get into contact with others that
are actively sharing their faith.
I thank God for what he is
doing through Christians that are obedient to Him by "going out into all
the world and preaching the gospel to every creature", like Jesus
commanded Christians to do.