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After watching the video, we discussed the questions in the study guide. This allowed us to talk a little about what we just learned during the video. Like any first time class, the answers started in a little slow, but it picked up during the question and answer session. The class ended at approx 7:30pm.
This lesson discusses the Christian's obligation to witness to anyone that is unsaved. It also shows how it is the responsiblility of the church to seek and to save the lost, not just be a gathering place for other activities. It was very moving.
I am normally a shy person when I don't know someone, but I thank God for giving me peace and courage for this class. We will be having 7 more classes during this course.
After class, we were passing out the "Letter From an Unsaved Friend" and the Million Dollar Bill gospel tract from Living Waters. Many people talked to us, saying that this is going to be a very good class. Some wanted the xanga website address to the atheist that wrote the letter I read. Others wanted us to have available for them to purchase the gospel tracts that we had on the table. We will be ordering some of these to sell during the foundation course.
During the class, I mentioned that my e-mail address and phone number was stamped into the study guide book, and that people can contact me if they are interested in going out into Branson to street witness. Pastor got up at the end of the class and said that after some of the training, we will not be waiting for people to call us. We will instead be setting a time to meet and we will be going out to witness in Branson, so come on. Praise God.
There is a young man at church that goes on missions trips. He is headed for the Netherlands for a 10 day missions trip. He really liked the class tonight and wanted to know if he could borrow the DVD's and watch them before he leaves...next week. We loaned him one set of the foundation course. Praise God again!!
Please keep us in your prayers.
In Christ,